We provide most of our funding through a process that requires tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to submit an Investment Plan, although some funds are off-Plan and some TEOs are managed through a funding letter. This section explains our investment process and framework. It includes guidance and resources that cover most of our funding agreements.
Ko te nuinga o ā mātou pūtea tautoko ka whakaratoa mā tētahi tukanga me tāpae mai e ngā kura mātauranga matua he Mahere Pūtea Tautoko. Arā anō ētahi pūtea kei waho atu i taua tukanga, ā, mō ētahi o ngā Kura Mātauranga Matua e whakahaeretia ana mā tētahi reta tuku pūtea. Kei konei hoki he kōrero āwhina me ētahi rauemi e kapi ai te nuinga o ā mātou whakaaetanga ā-pūtea.