Have your say as part of the formation of industry-led Workforce Development Councils
Have your say as part of the formation of industry-led Workforce Development Councils
Consultation opens for feedback on Orders in Council proposals.
Consultation opens for feedback on Orders in Council proposals.
Consultation has opened on the foundation documents that will formally establish Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) as legal entities. This is an important milestone in the Reform of Vocational Education.
The six WDCs will be organisations represented and led by industry and governed by Boards.
The Tertiary Education Commission is asking for feedback on the six Orders in Council proposals that will formally establish each WDC. We want to know what you think of each WDC’s name, the industries they cover, and their governance arrangements.
This feedback will inform the final Orders in Council that will establish each WDC.
WDCs will play a vital role in helping industry set a vision for the skills and training needed for Aotearoa’s workforce, and influence the vocational education and training system.
Once established, the WDCs will have a forward, strategic view of the future skills needs of industries; set standards, develop qualifications and help shape the curriculum of vocational education; and moderate assessments against industry standards.
They will also provide advice to the TEC on investment in vocational education, and determine the appropriate mix of skills and training for the industries each WDC covers.
The role of WDCs is also integral in supporting learners and the success of Māori learners.
Over the last few months, industry-led interim Establishment Boards have been working with the Tertiary Education Commission and industry sectors, peak bodies, educators, Māori business and industry, to engage and provide advice to develop draft content for each WDC Order in Council proposal.
The consultation on the WDC Orders in Council proposals provides a further opportunity for industry, and others interested in vocational education and training from an industry and employer perspective, to Kōrero Mai and have a say.
Consultation is open over seven weeks from Wednesday 16 December 2020, closing on Friday 5 February 2021.
For more detail and to provide feedback, go to the WDC Consultation website. (This has now closed).
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