Step 3: Business case assessment
Step 3: Business case assessment
This page provides an overview of the assessment of tertiary education institutions' (TEIs') business cases.
This page provides an overview of the assessment of tertiary education institutions' (TEIs') business cases.
We will assess each scoping document and set up a meeting to discuss the matters raised with the TEI and its advisors soon after we receive it.
We aim to assess and provide feedback on completed business cases as soon as possible. The timeframe for feedback will vary depending on a number of factors such as whether the business case is missing key information required.
We encourage business case writers to supply as much information as possible to help with the assessment of the business case (eg, spreadsheets used during analysis, feedback from stakeholders and so on).
When considering a preferred solution or investment proposal, we need to be satisfied that the evidence provided demonstrates that the investment proposal shows or addresses the following factors:
- Strategic alignment - identifies and contributes to the Government’s stated outcomes for tertiary education as set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES), and other strategies relevant to the TEI(s) and/or the business case
- Value for money - demonstrates value for money for the Crown, measured against a range of possible options, and aligns to the investment objectives agreed between TEC and the TEI(s)
- Tertiary network - contributes to a balanced network of provision (that is geographically and/or academically), with more focus on national and regional solutions and less on individual local institution specific approaches
- Stakeholders - supported by key stakeholders (including, for example/as appropriate, staff, students, other providers, industry and advisory organisations, business groups and central and local government)
- Affordability - contributes to the current and future financial viability and sustainability of the TEI(s) (and other TEIs, if applicable) and is affordable and justified as part of a long-term capital asset management plan(s)
- Risk - identifies and appropriately manages or mitigates key areas of risk and uncertainty that could threaten the success of the proposal or its implementation including any regional/national risks and/or risks to the Crown.
Each individual case within the business case will be further assessed as set out in the document below.