

All terms Māori terms only

    Performance indicators

    The indicators that are agreed between the TEC and an individual TEO that are used to measure whether proposed outcomes are being achieved.  They form part of a TEO's Investment Plan.

    Performance monitoring

    The monitoring we carry out for the TEOs we fund.

    Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF)

    Funds research and research-based teaching on the basis of measured research quality in tertiary education organisations.  Aims to increase or maintain the quality of research and research-based teaching and learning and to improve investment in research within the tertiary sector.


    Performance Improvement Framework.  A joint central agency initiative to help senior leaders improve the performance of the agencies they lead.


    An Investment Plan (Plan) must describe how a tertiary education organisation (TEO) will achieve government priorities set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy.  It includes a TEO’s mission and role in the tertiary sector,  all the tertiary education programmes and activities they run.  Covers  the outcomes proposed by a TEO, including performance indicators.

    Plan content

    The required content of a proposed Plan that the TEC has prescribed and given public notice of in accordance with Schedule 18, clause 6 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Plan criteria

    We use these to assess proposed Plans to determine if they will receive funding approval.  Governed by Section 424 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Plan exempt

    A PTE, school and CEP who is exempt from the requirement to submit a Plan.

    Plan exemption

    A PTE, school and CEP that receives less than $3 million in TEC funding and meets organisation performance requirements may be exempt from the requirement to submit a Plan.

    Plan Guidance

    Guidance we publish on the content and process for criteria used to assess proposed Plans. Governed by Section 409 of the Education and Training Act 2020.