Monitoring the tertiary education sector

We monitor the performance of tertiary education organisations and report the results to the Minister responsible for tertiary education. This section includes the performance consequences framework and guidelines for providing financial performance information.

Our role in monitoring the performance of the tertiary sector
We monitor the performance of tertiary education organisations (TEOs) and report the results to the Minister of Education. This section includes informatio…
How to make a complaint
Part of our role at the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is monitoring tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to make sure they deliver programmes in l…
Investigations are a key part of monitoring the performance and compliance of the tertiary education sector.
We carry out audits of the tertiary education organisations (TEOs) we fund. This is a standard procedure and is part of our overall approach to monitoring …
Financial monitoring of tertiary education institutions
One of the Tertiary Education Commission’s (TEC’s) legislative functions is to monitor tertiary education institutions (TEIs) to assess whether their opera…
Performance consequences framework
The performance consequences framework is a process that assists us to define performance expectations and manage individual tertiary education organisatio…
Recordkeeping requirements
This page sets out general guidance on the recordkeeping requirements for organisations that receive TEC funding.