

All terms Māori terms only

    Te kete mātauranga

    A basket of knowledge

    Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

    The curriculum framework applied in Māori medium settings.

    Te Pūkenga

    A unified, sustainable, public network of regionally accessible vocational education.
    Previously known as New Zealand Institute of Skills & Technology (NZIST).

    Te reo Māori

    The Māori language

    Te Reo Rangatira

    Title referring to a set of standards designed to support students in Māori immersion settings.

    Te Tauihu o Ngā Wānanga

    A collective national association comprised of representatives from the three wānanga: Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, and Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.


    Tertiary education institution.

    TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WLN)

    TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WLN) is intended to increase the literacy and numeracy skills of employees; and contribute to workplace productivity through the provision and evaluation of literacy and numeracy learning in a workplace context.


    Tertiary education organisations are any organisations that supply tertiary education and/or training and/or assessment services.

    Tertiary education institutions (TEIs)

    An institution established under Section 268 of the Education and Training Act 2020. The Crown has an ownership interest in TEIs, which include universities, institutes of technology, polytechnics and wānanga.