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Showing 321 - 330 of 856 results
Alignment of Literacy and Numeracy Measures
Published 28 February 2020
Looks at the relationship between four measures in literacy and numeracy. The measures are widely used in secondary and tertiary education. The research will help educators understand the assessme…
Alignment research paper Summary
Published 28 February 2020
Summarises our research on the relationship between four measures of literacy and numeracy. The measures are widely used in secondary and tertiary education. The research will help educators under…
Boosting literacy and numeracy outcomes in tertiary education 2015 research findings
Published 28 February 2020
Read TEC's research summary for literacy and numeracy. It highlights the key findings from the research on the tools available to support literacy and numeracy in tertiary education.
Published 28 February 2020
Pathways Awarua a digital tool to support adult literacy and numeracy
Published 28 February 2020
Investigates how this online learning tool is being used and the extent to which it supports face-to-face teaching. Also looks at how it helps learners, in particular Māori, Pasifika, youth and learn…
Pathways Awarua a digital tool to support adult literacy and numeracy
Published 28 February 2020
Investigates how this online learning tool is being used and the extent to which it supports face-to-face teaching. Also looks at how it helps learners, in particular Māori, Pasifika, youth and learn…
Alignment of Literacy and Numeracy Measures
Published 28 February 2020
Looks at the relationship between four measures in literacy and numeracy. The measures are widely used in secondary and tertiary education. The research will help educators understand the assessme…
Published 28 February 2020
Published 28 February 2020
Boosting outcomes for Pasifika learners in tertiary education 2015 research findings
Published 28 February 2020
This research summary highlights the key points from commissioned research to assist tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to improve tertiary education outcomes for Pasifika learners.