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Changes to 2020 Funding Letters

Changes to 2020 Funding Letters

Last updated 23 September 2019
Last updated 23 September 2019

The TEC is making some useful changes to how it provides TEOs with the conditions we attach to funding.

In previous years we have provided conditions to TEOs in their funding confirmation letters. For 2020 funding, we have decided to do something different. We are splitting the funding letter into two separate documents:

  • funding confirmation letter; and
  • a conditions catalogue

The funding confirmation letter will be much shorter and continue to include a list of a TEO’s approved funding and any organisation-specific conditions.

The conditions catalogue will include base funding conditions that apply to all funding as well as conditions for each fund type. The catalogue will be a one-stop shop for all your funding condition needs. The funds will be listed alphabetically and include hyperlinks that take you to the information you’re looking for.

The funding confirmation letter and catalogue will be uploaded to TEO’s Workspace 2 simultaneously, so these can be read together. We will also publish the new conditions catalogue on our website.

Why are we taking this new approach?

The new approach is intended to make the conditions more accessible and easy to find. We know that trying to find the appropriate conditions in a densely populated letter can take time.

This will allow people who don’t have access to Workspace 2, like SMS vendors and TEO staff, to access the conditions as soon as they are available.