Goals and outcomes – Data System Refresh programme
Ngā whāinga me ngā putanga – hōtaka Tāmata Pūnaha Raraunga
The Data System Refresh (DSR) programme will provide a new, sustainable way for tertiary education organisations to report on data that TEC and the Ministry of Education need to support funding decisions, monitor performance, and forecast trends.
The Data System Refresh (DSR) programme will provide a new, sustainable way for tertiary education organisations to report on data that TEC and the Ministry of Education need to support funding decisions, monitor performance, and forecast trends.
With the introduction of the Unified Funding System (UFS), we’re taking the opportunity to align our data collection applications, simplify data submissions and improve the business intelligence reports that we share with the sector.
The outcomes for the sector will be:
- simplified interactions between tertiary education organisations and TEC
- a single portal for data submissions, communications and reporting
- consistent and easy-to-use workflow for data submissions
- fit-for-purpose information products and data extracts
- better notifications – including targeted emails and improved display of submissions
- embedded Unified Funding System (UFS) data collection
- more frequent data collection enabled over time.